»The responsibilities and duties of religion, politics, economics, and science«
My contribution to a peaceful understanding between all religions and all forms of politics and economy

I am convinced that man was created from the beginning and by nature for peaceful coexistence with all creatures. God in whatever form we worship him, could not have had an alternative vision to the Paradise – the Kingdom of Peace with the rule of the all-embracing love. Therefore I expect religions and their beliefs to develop global peaceful exchange and an inter-religious consensus.

The Task of religion is to connect people with God and to remind him of his immortality. In this task, they have to promote the love to all creatures peaceful and harmonious and shall undertake political, economic and scientific cooperation in this matter.

We all have the same Creator of this universe created in perfection. Our responsibility as humans is to advance peace with the religions and politics. There is ultimately no alternative, truly and significantly shown by atomic weapons and information technology. We also have a duty to our planet and the whole universe to take care of and not exploit and destroy it. Therefore, a sustainable global economy and a global truth committed science has to promote and protect all living things and guarantee them a fair living basis.

It is thus not a religion or form of government, economic system or science to be tolerated on our planet, which disregards these principles. This means that States have to demand from religions the fulfilling of its peacekeeping role as much as they have to enforce from economy sustainability. Religions themselves have to undertake together with the sciences the countries and religions to their task.

There has always been and still is a spiritual elite that carries out these very tasks. The Rabbis and Kabbalists, the Sufis,
the Gnostics, the Essenes, the Yogis, the Mystics, the Seers, the Visionaries of all disciplines, the Geniuses, the Child Prodigies,
the Wisemen, the Teachers of Humanity. It is to rewrite the story based on these peaceful leaders.

Among all the role models, there have been few in the last millennia who are perfect examples without fault or blame.
Let us take the best and build a new peaceful world by confessing all of us, each person individually and all of us together,
to the peaceful principles which most holy books and scriptures have named in unison.

This is my contribution to a peaceful understanding between all religions and sciences and all forms of politics and business.
Peter Todesco



Change cannot be stopped!

There are many ancient prophecies that say there will be a change in our time, but there are also modern prophets who tell us about this change. Science, too, but not the official science, but the science that is hidden from us and to which only a few have access, tells us about these changes.

Today we know that there are many timelines and that we decide our future at every moment, but all these timelines coincide in the end in one and the same destiny.

But is it possible to know what our future will be?

There are small tribes whose members have managed to this day, to preserve the legends of their past. These stories have lost none of their original power because they have been passed on from generation to generation.

Link to the video (also suitable for listening as a podcast in German) 30 min. (click on link here)

Read as text in PDF (English):

»PROPHECIES – Change cannot be stopped!«


After three years of never-ending dystopian pandemic measures, it should have become clear even to the most credulous among us that we are dealing with a group of extremely unscrupulous inhuman beings who want to take the lives of the whole of humanity, and indeed of the largest possible number of people not directly needed by them further as slaves. Staged catastrophes and wars of all kinds have kept us in a state of numb fear throughout the entire period of peace in Europe and now these inhuman beings are preparing the complete surveillance and decimation of us. These monsters must be resisted and for this other guiding principles like these prophesies are needed.

Everything I have read and heard for a long time as positive prophecies of the future is summarised concisely in this text.
(Peter Todesco)

»Anunnaki – Invaders from Planet Niburu – Transmission of the clay tablets from the two-stream land Mesopotamia

Origin of the inhuman power structures on our planet – Origin of the present enslavement of humanity

I have been interested in the background of the current global power structures ever since I started working in the banking
sector in 1981 at the consumer credit bank Prokredit, which was sold to the GE Capital Bank in America in 1998,
when Bankverein merged with Bankgesellschaft to form the today’s bank called UBS.

Since 1998, I have thus also experienced American business practices in Switzerland at first hand, which has deepened my interest in business and politics even more. In connection with my «vocation» for «meditation» and «immortality», these questions have also led to a new „questioning of religions„. On all these topics I have long wanted to examine the «Sumerian texts», as the „oldest written tradition“ for answers to «why mankind has been manipulated by politics, economics, finance and religion for more than 6’000 years». I was finally able to pursue these questions during the lockdowns, quarantines and other time windows of „Covid 19“ in the „pandemic year 2020“ and, in my view, find a valid answer to them.

Preliminary remark: What makes the discussion of these traditions more difficult is the „ideology of the material world view still prevailing today„, which is still far from taking note of the findings of quantum physics of the last century and therefore has to declare as nonsense the „existence of a world of subtle matter“ and the „notion that there are beings who can deliberately switch back and forth between the density of matter levels and thus make themselves visible or invisible“. Only with the more holistic view that energy and matter are implicitly and changeably based on the same primal creative power of consciousness, the implied view of things can also be convincingly explained and thus make it possible to understand 1. the enormously long reigns on the royal list and 2. the descriptions that they came as gods from heaven other than just with spaceships or UFOs.

«An object that I do not observe has no particular state at all, as long as I do not start this observation
“This is the great statement of Heisenberg.” – Prof. Dr. Ernst Peter Fischer, physicist and biologist

The «Anunnaki» are declared on »Wikipedia« as «mythology» and as «gods of the underworld». 

What is correct about this statement is that the Holy Scriptures of most ancient cultures and religions, especially in the Old Testament of the Bible and in the Koran, have adopted the «Sumerian Creation Story» as the „myth of the «creation of man from earth» and «animation by the spirit»“ by the «Elohim», the „Gods who came down from heaven„, and they only report in indicative paraphrases about „genetic engineering“ with which they created us from the early forms of archaic man (homo erectus) and „ray weapons“ they use for domination and wars. Common to all stories is that they end with the „Flood“ and the „annihilation of a large part of humanity about 12’000 years ago“.

There are reliable records of the »Assyrian Empire« which refer us back to the »Kingdom of Akkad« and
to the »Sumerian King List« based on the »cuneiform script« discovered in »Mesopotamia.«.

I am convinced that a cultural people like the Sumerians, from whom we must trace a large part of our culture, hardly wanted to pass on „mythologies“ about their rulers, who were called gods, to subsequent cultures, but rather wrote down historically relevant reports on these clay tablets to bear witness to a time of around 500,000 thousand years, which for us seems an infinitely long time. – Those who want to continue to understand all this as mythology or stories of the gods instead of historiography should read the statements of Vladimir Putin about the current influence of the Anunnaki and the information provided by NASA about the planet Niburu from which the Anunnaki are said to have come:

»Annunaki aliens from Nibiru are here on earth, Russia knows it«, claims a conspiracy theorist.« 

»Putin addresses the Cabinet of Ministers« (full transcript). 

»Russian executive resigns amidst the Anunnaki dispute.« 

»NASA has been covering up Nibiru“for 30 years“ and hiding „the Truth“ about planet X.« 

»NASA hides the existence of Nibiru for over 30 years, says former USGS scientist.« 

Especially now, in the current Covid 19 pandemic, where truth is questioned from all sides, we should consider such connections.
Therefore, I would like to refer to the writings of three researchers who have addressed these questions from different angles.

1.) One of the best known representatives who took these reports seriously is »Zecharia Sitchin«, /, published in Amazon.

2.) The second well-known author is the archaeological researcher, writer, musician and politician »Michael Tellinger«, who focuses in depth on the relationship between gold and money in relation to the history of the Anunnakis, and who publishes his books at hi »webpage«.  

3.) The third and most timely author is »Dr. Jan Erik Sigdell« engineer, medical technician for dialysis and reincarnation researcher, he writes on his »webpage« and his books you will find also on his »website«. 

„Behind the scenes, something is happening that seems to correspond to the Third World War.“
Quotes from the German book by Jan Erik Sigdell published in May 2020
»Die Manipulationen der Anunnaki«
(The Manipulations of the Anunnaki)

„The world is in turmoil. Compulsory vaccination, microwave weapon 5G, artificial intelligence, migration flood, personal identification. The goal is the New World Order, which is to be accompanied by a massive population reduction. But who are the ringleaders in the background, the real driving forces behind the public lobbyists of these mass-murdering policies like Bill Gates or George Soros and the globally networked Deep State?

„The Anunnaki are still the secret top of this agenda today. As if in an end-time struggle, they are currently throwing into play everything that has long been prepared to manipulate humanity. Their instruments continue to be cover-ups and disinformation. Now it depends on how many people wake up in time and act responsibly to oppose the economic, military and political machinations of the Anunnaki puppets.

„Why does everything go back to the Anunnaki? Who are these creatures anyway, and why did they begin to genetically manipulate our species? How does this relate to Satanism, paedophilia and human trafficking? What is the origin of evil?“

Already in 2012 Jan Erik Sigdell published startling reports from his long experience with regressions in his book
»Unsichtbare Einflüsse« (Invisible Influences –
Liberation from attached souls and obtrusive entities)
[not available in English but greater parts of it you will find in: »Christian Reincarnation«]

The Anunnaki are able to manipulate our life energy, via direct intervention in the ruling power relations of the earthly elite, globally in such a way that they keep us trapped in false reincarnation cycles and prevent us from being able to evolve towards more peace and freedom through war, violence and confusion of our consciousness.

They feed themselves through our life energy when we end up in the oft-quoted tunnel during the dying process, and at its end we see a false light that presents us with false images. That is why the secret spiritual traditions teach us to go directly into the light when crossing over into the subtle world of the afterlife.

These backgrounds also explain why it is so difficult to prevent violence and sexual abuse against children and women, because with girls and women and young mentally ill or dying people, there is more energy for the Anunnaki to get.

The transformation of these forces and structures through trauma healing and spiritual growth is, in my opinion, the real issue of the epochal financial and pandemic crisis of 2020 and the near future./pt

4.) The fourth author and researcher is “Gerald R. Clark”, expert in global telemetry and electrical engineering, helicopter pilot US-Army 1984-1989, therapist for Structural Integration according to Ida Rolf (Rolfing) since 2004, comes to the same conclusions as the three preceding authors. In »The Anunnaki of Nibiru : Mankind’s Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the New World Order« his book from 2013, he describes in clear words what we can learn from the Sumerian texts on the back cover of the German edition 2020 on the back cover:

»Genetic manipulation created man!«

“The missing link of the human development called “Missing Link” is found. Records on Sumerian clay tablets describe clinical experiments, at the end of which was the birth of Adam. According to them, man was created by the Annunaki about 300,000 years ago as a primitive laborer for gold mining in now-discovered African mines. They needed the metal to stabilize the atmosphere of their home planet, which orbits our sun once every 3600 years. For mind control they used the chakras in our energy body, which serve as receiving systems for low frequency waves. As such, they are still abused today.”

Audio interview: »…«  Videos: »«

For the substantiation of these theses I ask my readers to listen also to Indian Guru Jaggi Vasudev „Sadhguru“ on the video attached below and to hear what he has to say about the beings he perceives around the sacred area of Mount Kailash (a mountain in the Himalayas that has not yet been climbed by anyone, not even by Reinhard Mesmer who was granted permission to do so), with the sacred »Lake Manasarovar«, which is 4586 meters above sea level. M., the highest freshwater lake in the world, which the Hindus venerate as a sanctuary. It is the highest freshwater lake in the world, which the Hindus hold sacred. This lake is located 30 km south of the unclimbed mountain »Kailash« 6638 m high which is revered by Tibetans, Buddhists and Hindus as the most sacred mountain. Sadhguru also holds the thesis that all so-called gods (including the Hindu deities such as Shiva, Vishnu and their entire world of gods) were rulers gifted with supernatural powers who appeared on earth and ruled us with their techniques and powers. Shiva and Adiyogi (the first yogi) are said to have first appeared in this holy area a long time ago.

Link to the Video: »Sadhguru Talks About Aliens in Kailash Manasarovar Lake«

From all three authors and also from Sadhguru I have read the most important books and received for me a satisfying answer to the question where the cause of evil is to be found, but which also points beyond the history of the Anunnaki to the original cosmic god, »the true creator«, »El Eljon«, who created everything and gave his beings the freedom to experience even renegade ways with corresponding consequences. The same applies to the two Sons of God »Enki« and »Enlil«, neither of whom listened to their God-Father »Anu«, the true God or Creator, when they created us on Earth, thus trespassing the Laws of Creation, as we are currently repeating with Atomic and Genetic Engineering.

The question whether man in general carries evil within himself and whether war belongs to human nature, I answer on my website »page 1 Meditation« at the link: »MANIFESTO OF PEACE« – We have chosen our present incarnation and thus agreed to participate in this planetary task to dissolve within ourselves our own dark sides, what Carl Gustav Jung called the shadow. Therefore I consider it our duty to show all beings, even the darkest and most renegade creatures, the way to the light and offer them our help. There are no Gods, there is only the One!

The beginning of this undertaking, however, was a short manifesto „on human self-responsibility“ by the Swiss architect »Nold Egenter« entitled (to read here:) «The Eternally Burning Thorn Bush» – Religion as Theocratic Territorial Constitution, an impressive essay about The Structure of Theocracy in the Ancient Near East and the Scholastic Trauma of Europe:

Nold Egenter explains why things cannot go on like this any longer:
„Science is not the measure of all things, but a life-threatening illusion, perhaps even a fatal error of reasoning,
which can transport us back to the Pro-Zoikum, to an earth age without life. “
(to read here): The demise of life is programmed“ – A scenario based on intercultural and cognitive anthropology (German Original: »Der Untergang des Lebens ist programmiert« – Ein interkulturell und geistes-anthropologisch begründetes Szenario)

☞  Dear readers, please make your own thoughts on the topics „Anunnaki in the history of the Sumerians“ and
„Origin of inhuman evil“ to get your individual and coherent answer.  ☜
Peter Todesco
(PS: The Sumerian cuneiform writings, are so far the only physical records we know, which go back in time 500’000 years and describe our origin, although many others, not only destructive beings, have visited and are visiting our planet.)


There is, moreover, a deeper level of contemplation that places the powerful creative aspects of the subtle dark forces as fallen angels and archangels (or gods) in creation, leading to the Taoist view of the material world:

„It requires darkness to see the light“

„Without karma and without the also divine dark forces, we would be deprived of the possibility to experience even to the strongest negativity and being human would not be able to influence the whole cosmos from its experiences of suffering and with the unconditional love born from the Christ consciousness.“ – Gerhard Konstantin „Corona aus der Sicht eines Okkultisten“ (only German)

»My statement on the collapse of the two towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001«

Shortly three facts which we can verify still today 1 to 1 on the many videos on Youtube:

1st – The two towers of the World Trade Center, World Trade Tower 1 & 2, were neither blown up nor caused to collapse by fire; they were both “pulverized and blown away” about an hour after the first explosions with burning large fire and correspondingly large clouds of black smoke in a manner for which we have no explanation. Just watch the videos! Southern Manhattan was covered by a cloud of powdered concrete, steel, and asbestos that fell down like thick snow. This can be seen by every objective observer of these videos. There was no appreciable debris at the “Ground Zero” collapse point. The garages below the “collapse site” are said to have remained undamaged and have not filled with rubble. If all the debris from both towers had actually landed on the ground, the “Bathtub”, the water reservoir, at the old New York City Subway underground station would have been filled with debris, the walls of which would most likely have burst and the pool flooded with water from the Hudson River. Moreover: No fire brigade in the world would go into a collapsing building to save people, because there is nothing more to help. We know pictures of skyscrapers burning for days without collapsing! The fire brigade was completely convinced that the two towers could not collapse, regardless of whether airplanes were flying into the towers or the towers were burning. Consider the first “Islamic terrorist attack” with a urea nitrate bomb in the underground car park of the WTC North Tower in 1993. 

2nd – The Twin Towers could not have been brought down by airplanes. The towers were built so that no plane could bring them down. Light-metal aircraft are physically unable to penetrate such a solidly constructed building. The outer shell of the World Trade Tower buildings consisted on each side every 100 cm of 59 pieces of 36cm x 36cm strong columns of  »fire-protected especially solid steel of 6mm – 100mm thickness«, between 30 cm wide, 13 cm thick windows and in the middle of 47 core beams of 90 cm x 36 cm again of 6mm – 100mm thick fireproof steel.  »« All airliners are made of aluminum and must be reinforced with frames to prevent them from breaking in the air. Every plane that hits hard surfaces shatters into a thousand pieces. We were shown films that let us assume that two airplanes flew into the two buildings and created a huge hole through exploding kerosene. The videos on which the aircraft appear are extremely short and do not show a clear impact situation; with modern analyses, the same images have been verified as retouched in. On one of these films, even the intact nose tip of the airplane on the other side of the building protrudes after the airplane has flown through the 47 core carrier steel columns without breaking, which is simply physically impossible. The width of the Boeing 767 with a wingspan of 47.6 m does not fit into the empty hole of 36 m at Tower 1, and no part of the aircraft protrudes from it, the hole is empty. The WTC was specially built to withstand the impact of a Boeing 737 aircraft. – Donald Trump (45th President of the USA) said on the same day:

3rd – World Trade Center No. 7, WTC7, must, according to all the technical knowledge of architects, structural engineers, and blasters, have been brought to a subsequent collapse with special explosives (nano-thermites) in an extremely precisely planned action, since accidental fire development develops too little heat and under no circumstances can cause the building to collapse precisely within its own structure. Even on WTC7, all academics are advised, at the risk of their careers, neither to comment on it nor to research it and to question the official presentation of the events of 9/11. This makes it unnecessary to explain why the “condemnation” of dissenters still works. 

These three points should be enough to show that we are being massively lied about this matter. Anyone who believes in the official version must be very naive or represent the political and financial interests of those who lie to us.

»Addition, 12.12.2019«

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who
want to stay outside in times of moral crisis.
Dante Alighieri

The current global financial policy, through its political and military executive bodies, is threatening the whole of humanity. I trust in the inherent self-destructive power of all negativity and the growing awareness of people worldwide, which must inevitably lead to the collapse of today’s power relations, and I see in a new committed youth a great hope for a positive change of the whole of humanity before the end of this century.
Peter Todesco

Peter Todesco

»Russians can regenerate organs and teeth – The eternal fountain of youth«
(magazine “raum & zeit” No. 165  May/June 2010)

»Thanks to the research of Russian scientists Arcady Petrov and Igor Arepjev that in the early stages of the research center in Noosfera / Russia, following in the research project SIGOR worked, as well as based on the work and findings of the Academy Member Grigory Petrovich Grabovoj succeeded in Russia to develop a unique methodology, which allows regenerating the health even when completely hopeless diagnoses and restore the organs and cells of humans.

The formation of this knowledge is held in the Research Academy Petrov Arcady and offers the first step on the infinite ladder of the ‘new knowledge’ to the harmonious, happy, prosperous and eternal existence of mankind – the eternal fountain of youth. It says so in the dossier. The three-level training in the first stage offers the possibility to adapt the transfer of bioenergy technologies to bioinformative technologies. The second stage of training and ideological aspect of the doctrine is the study of Arkady Petrov “On the creation of a harmonious and creative world.” Lectures on the history of creation, based on the trilogy of Arkady Petrov “creation of the world” and its scientific and methodological work, “the tree of life” – and others of his work on the beaten path of people who give us the opportunity to combine the physical and mental nature of man.
Now straight from the creator was served down a new teaching level to the people, with the aim of stopping the seemingly impending global destruction of all humanity and creation on our planet. Therefore this doctrine for the new age is: “Rescue and harmonious development”. This theory assumes that the creation (God) in any faith, and in any culture in every man everywhere and uniformly exist. The connection to the Creator of man is his soul. For the first time, the knowledge about the structure of the soul and the structures, such as the external reality is created and can be changed, was given to man.

Now comes the time of higher expanded consciousness. – Man no longer needs to reincarnate to develop but can reach the highest soul growth also in his current physical body on this earth. Immortality and eternal youth are again, as possible to the beginning of creation. Man himself becomes a creator of his own reality and life circumstances.«

P.S. On August 29-30/2010 I attended the seminar in Zurich by Svetlana Smirnova.
You will find my report in the »3rd Newsletter 30.09.10« on this website.

»About miracles and magic«

Like most children, I have always been fascinated by secrets. Miracles were nothing inexplicable to me, the explanation was not found easily. Similarly, as an adult, I remain convinced of the truthfulness of fairy tales and legends. The only miracle that I can testify to date with my physical eyes, I have seen in 1991 in Bangalore, India: Sai Baba has produced holy ash (Vibutti) in open space with open hands and a half-long-arm shirt. The most impressive magic I’ve seen presented in person at the Hallenstadion in Zurich by magician David Copperfield: Flying with a woman on his arm.  This leads to the question of whether the levitations of saints witnessed by many people are to be valued as real miracles:


On this physically inexplicable phenomenon (since the explanations on gravity still do not provide a clear answer), there is a basic work from the perspective of the Yogis which, from my point of view, provides highly competent information on the possibility of Levitation: »The Art of Levitation« Manual for Overcoming Gravity by Steve Richards.


Although I was always convinced of the possibility to perform such miracles; the invitation of a friend in a firewalk was but a strong challenge. After the first fire run, I thought it was pretty easy, no burns, nothing. The second firewalk, the long run scare me something and at first hesitant, more annoyed about my cowardice, I walked three times over it in a row. When we had controlled our feet in the cottage first everything in order, but shortly thereafter it began to form a large blister on one foot, which then took about three weeks to heal. The third fire was just running my jacket a few burn holes. Here, too, explanations are useless, and it remains a miracle if the next day you can burn your hands back on the hot water. Not to forget the tough managers who thought themselves, they could also do, and when they tried out, all have ended up in a hospital with serious burns …

»About flying«

The dream of flying is an ancient human dream and I was often in a dream having flight experiences. My enthusiasm was awakened early, my grandfather was an air observer in the military and knew many of our Swiss aviation pioneers personally. I grew up the first two years next to the military airport in Dübendorf and had later listened in the same place to our Swiss astronaut Claude Nicollier, as he told of his first space flight. The lunar landing of the Americans one of the greatest adventure of mankind, I have followed closely. Later I got the brochures at the Swiss travel agency Kuoni for a planned space flight, to date, this variant for masses has been achieved by anyone. Although so far as a tourist attraction too expensive and ecologically still nonsensical, it would be the direct effect of a travel program that the passenger understood the preciousness of our planetary existence. “The Overview Effect” is a book that demonstrates the positive impact of our new worldview statistically impressive. Equally fascinating, I find projects that are planning close to the ground flying objects. Between magic and real supernatural powers (“siddhis” in Sanskrit), I have mentioned the flight by means of magic from magician David Copperfield and the promises of the Transcendental Meditation (Yogic Flying) as are the stories of the Eastern Church on the Levitation of their holy church fathers and the stories from ancient India and China.

 »About dreaming«

At first, I was discouraged by literary criticism to read the books of Carlos Castaneda. But when I attended a seminar with Harley Swift Deer, a Cherokee half-breed (METI), had taken part, I realized that all these ceremonies work very well in a magical way as easily as our modern techniques. When I asked under the tree in all four directions my selected stone, the stone spoke to me about what needed to complete every aspect of my personality! Still remains unclear to me whether the fast displacements tricks of the magician (Nagual) Don Juan are due, or whether the visits took place in the fine or even with the gross body. According to my teachers, but anything is possible.

Since this Seminar of American Natives, on the basis of the knowledge of the Hopi Tribe, I also know from experience that we do not know everything about our ancestors. Our modern science has an unjustified sense of superiority over old cultures. Our Western historiography neglected in Eurocentric arrogance all high cultures of the ancient world with the exception of the Greeks and Romans. Pyramids scattered in different continents, all placed on the equatorial belt of the solstice, testify to the closeness of the former civilizations that go back several thousand years. In China, India, Tibet, Egypt, and America, there was all that we hold today in modern science a long time ago. Even in Europe, Celtic and Druidic science testify to the same origin. We only repeat the same mistakes again and again and we really learn about it?

»Not-eating and Not-drinking«

The phenomenon that the saint was not to eat and sometimes did not need to drink is handed down in many places. – Certificates of such events we find in »Therese of Konnersreuth« (1898 – 1962) in Wikipedia says: “She also since 1926 except one piece of »Communion« (a wafer) per day, neither ate nor drank every day.” The same you find about our Swiss patron saint, »Nicholas of Flue« (1417 -1487): “Apparently he took in the last 19 years of his life except for the »Eucharist« (the Holy Communion/the Lords Supper) nothing to eat and drank only the fresh spring water from a nearby stream.” Two examples of saints in the vicinity.

As a new publication this way of life more ordinary people seems to manifest itself and a certain time a large number of people was guided from »Yashmuheen« (born 1957) in a so-called “21-day process” (but today, she recommends a more lightweight version of these extreme experimental arrangements for everyone). A German chemist living in Switzerland, »Dr. Michael Werner« (born 1949) has the same process tested as self-experiment and describes it in his book. Publicly he declared on TV to live without food.
Please take note that I am NOT recommending this experiment. I have tried this experiment on myself in October 2006 without any support and survived without damage (seven days not a drop of liquid drinking and from day 8 – to day 21 only diluted juices of orange (10 %) and no food all the 21 days). My weight has stabilized thereafter at a healthier level, but I felt no need to go on further and since then I eat and drink again with pleasure and joy. What remained is a more conscious approach to food and another reference to myself, but I consider it irresponsible to advocate such a thing. There are people like me who try such a thing in personal responsibility, which I find acceptable, as long as they are no burden to anyone and know what they do.

I even have my people and my closest loved ones exonerated from any responsibility in writing and I would stop this experiment immediately if I had felt any pain or problems with my body.  Yashmuheen I met personally on two lectures and I never had the impression that she has something to hide. Her main concern is peace on this planet and the spreading of love.

As you yourself can read in the newspapers, such happening of wonders was and is of our society and science declared impossible, and torn by the media, only with saints and dead ones they are a little more cautious. »Therese of Konnersreuth« the German saint of the last century was checked three times for long periods of weeks from integrity witnesses and confirmed.

In the year 2011, the movie about this topic “In the beginning was the light” was shown in the cinemas, now it is also available on DVD:

We only believe what we want to see, and often we do not believe our eyes,
although our senses cannot deceive us.

With kind regards
Peter Todesco
School of Meditation

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